Friday, January 24, 2014

Asking For and Giving Ideas

Examples :

Conversation 1

Jack     : I have a serious problem today. I have just lost my wallet.

Steven  : Don't be so sad my friend. Let us search it around the park.

Jack     : I have looked for it for hours but I do not find it, do you have some ideas?

Steven  : You had better tell the securities to announce it to other students.

Jack     : Yeah, that sounds good. I do hope it helps.

Steven  : Let’s go!    

Conversation 2

David  : Rick.., Do you have any idea about which one should I buy for him?

Rick    : Mmmm.., I suggest you to buy something like a football team’s fan 
             merchandise. Because usually a boy loved football, right?

David  : That’s a good idea. Let’s search for it..!Which one is better..? Red or Blue?

Rose   : I think red should be better.., but it’s up to you.

Dave   : I’ll take the red one, then. Thank you.